Forget Marley and Me!!
This stuff needs to be published!!
Really great stories :D
Sasha X
The life and times of Tom and Toby
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Pit bulls are famous, in circles of knowledgeable dog people, for the love and loyalty they bestow on anyone who shows them a smidgen of kindness...

- thedogmother
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Re: The life and times of Tom and Toby
Thankyou so much Sasha there is much more to come from the terrible two when I get time to write it its still very fresh in my mind allbeit a long time ago bless
em xxxx

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Re: The life and times of Tom and Toby
crackin stories ! I'm wondering what happened to the pigeon ? as I have a few stories similar to these !
Firstly the pigeon got eaten , Shea the X Ebt had a kennel in the back yard , it was a garden but he played with sticks toys anythink he could get, and dribbled it through his feet all day , leaving just soil ! no grass at all , so my father had to pave the whole garden as he said it was a dust bowl in the summer and a mud bog in the winter with that dog !
Any way back to the pigeon ! one afternoon I threw a few food scraps out for the dog , he popped his head out the kennel and I presumed he had seen them and closed the door on him as he would bolt in the house after eating them, I then looked out of the window to see the food bits still on the floor ? somthink is wrong with the dog ,I said to my father and went out side to call him,(no dog ) I got worried and went to the kennel and called again ! Shea looked out and shot back in the kennel ( his head was covered in blood ) I sh*t and reached in to get him out the kennel thinking he was hurt ?
No he was perfectly OK ! he was just ENJOYING his lunch the Pigeon !
I had to wash the dog, kennel and bedding , the feathers and blood were all over the place. ha ha
Secondly I take the blame for getting him pissed on home brew potato wine !
Shea always loved a tipple or 2 on lager ,bitter in fact any ale ! but I had made Home brew wine ,and it was to say the least VILE , I tryed to drink it ,and could'nt give it all away , I had gallons of the stuff .
One wkend, I had a few drinks and ran out of beers , ( I was sharing with the dog ) so they went quick , so i tryed the home brew wine ! it was still horrible ,putrid so Left it for the dog to polish off ! ha ha
About 15 mins later , the dog gets up from lying down and walks around in a circle weaving and falls over on his side against the radiator , I realise he is pissed , and call him to me on the couch , as he gets to me I stroke him and he try's to climb on the couch next to me ? and falls off on the floor ! ha ha
SHEA the pigeon eating pee artist !
Firstly the pigeon got eaten , Shea the X Ebt had a kennel in the back yard , it was a garden but he played with sticks toys anythink he could get, and dribbled it through his feet all day , leaving just soil ! no grass at all , so my father had to pave the whole garden as he said it was a dust bowl in the summer and a mud bog in the winter with that dog !
Any way back to the pigeon ! one afternoon I threw a few food scraps out for the dog , he popped his head out the kennel and I presumed he had seen them and closed the door on him as he would bolt in the house after eating them, I then looked out of the window to see the food bits still on the floor ? somthink is wrong with the dog ,I said to my father and went out side to call him,(no dog ) I got worried and went to the kennel and called again ! Shea looked out and shot back in the kennel ( his head was covered in blood ) I sh*t and reached in to get him out the kennel thinking he was hurt ?
No he was perfectly OK ! he was just ENJOYING his lunch the Pigeon !
I had to wash the dog, kennel and bedding , the feathers and blood were all over the place. ha ha
Secondly I take the blame for getting him pissed on home brew potato wine !
Shea always loved a tipple or 2 on lager ,bitter in fact any ale ! but I had made Home brew wine ,and it was to say the least VILE , I tryed to drink it ,and could'nt give it all away , I had gallons of the stuff .
One wkend, I had a few drinks and ran out of beers , ( I was sharing with the dog ) so they went quick , so i tryed the home brew wine ! it was still horrible ,putrid so Left it for the dog to polish off ! ha ha
About 15 mins later , the dog gets up from lying down and walks around in a circle weaving and falls over on his side against the radiator , I realise he is pissed , and call him to me on the couch , as he gets to me I stroke him and he try's to climb on the couch next to me ? and falls off on the floor ! ha ha

- thedogmother
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Re: The life and times of Tom and Toby
Ha Ha what a laugh Im picturing you ashen faced as you looked for wounds he must have been thinking ok ive got him worried about something maybe ill find another pigeon tommorow thought hed have been well pissed about all this mess instead of that he treated me to a drink what a comedian great story joe thanks for sharing

- thedogmother
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Re: The life and times of Tom and Toby [Part 5]
Well its been a while since the last story, but I have been flat out all year. Anyway, The boys being the loonies they were very often used to barge past any unsuspecting poor sod as they came through the back or front door, flattening them up against the wall or bowling them over in their wake, and would wreak havock in the outside world chasing anything that moved or shook in the wind, running up the duel carriageway in and out of the traffic, horns blowing and much fowl language being thrown at me, nearly hot on their heels. did I make em run amok-no. did I cause em to crash-no. I was just chasing them, the ba***rds. bull breeds, dangerous? ha! these two were dangerous, and do you know what, they didnt care, never showed no remorse for what theyd done, not ever. One night at about half eleven, I had just fed the boys and all was quiet. the old git, whos a creature of habbit, had always stood just outside the front door before going to bed. one night, he had the ordacity to do just this when all hell was let loose. The boys, who could get a run up from the back door to the front door, took a wiff of the fresh air and made their bid for freedom, Toby digging his claws into old gits bare feet and causing sufficient pain for both of them to get away. They steamed off into the darkness, and I hate the dark, so I gingerly walked up the street to see if I could find them. I could hear bin bags rattling and cats hissing-the usual when them two were out. I knew I was getting closer because the noises were getting louder, then all of a sudden there was a loud scream and a bark, and the boys came running out of this back garden and went running home of their own accord. what next then? I realised I was out in the dark so I ran home as well. About 5 minutes after I got home there was a knock on the door, and all the barking and malay followed. It was well late by then, and I shut the boys in the kitchen. I thought the OG had gone to bed, and I opened the door, And there stood this tiny little man, and he said "have you got two black dogs", and I said, with all the innocence I could muster "yeah, why? he said "can you get em please?". So I asked "why?". He produced this massive stick from behind his back and said "because Im now gonna kill em". "sh*t, what a nutter", Im thinking then, from what seems like nowhere, out jumped the OG partly clothed and well pissed off. he never said a word, he just lunged forword and the stick man jumped backward over the small fence landing on the other side in a heap, muttering something about his mrs. leaving the cat food outside and the two dogs came and knocked it out of her hand. with that he pleaded with the Og not to kill him, and scrabbled to his feet and ran home. Before we got indoors the boys, to whom doors were no mystery, had ecaped from the kitchen and chased the stick man up the rd. the Og went after them this time, and as I went into the bathroom to shut the window, I heard this loud crash and I can remember thinking "oh no, what the hell is going on now? All of them are out marauding now". Then I heard (and probably the whole world) the Og say "what are doing you c**t, you touch my F*cking dog i'll put that up your f*cking snout you c*nt!". Then I heard another voice say "what about my green house?". The OG said "f**ck your green house, leave my dog alone, and he better not be hurt or i'll be back you c*nt". Oh my god, by now it must have been 1 am and the nutters are on the streets and so were my dogs and my old man. I ran up the road to see if I could calm things down. The boys ran past me the, Og came to meet me and related the tale of how Tom ran up the road chasing a cat. The cat goes up the wall, Tom goes up the wall, the cat stops, Tom stops, then realises he's 10 feet off the ground, and falls straight through the roof of a green house, and as he went crashing to the floor, the shelves, complete with plants, flew up into the air. A total write off. "He's a bit upset, that man with the green house" I said. The old git said "yeah, but he wanted to hit my dog and Im not having that".Tom didnt get off scot free that time-he had opened up a muscle on his back leg, but after a visit to the vets he was soon back on form. Og say: "love me, love my dog, even if he is the biggest Ba**ard god ever put four legs on". Toby says: "dont worry, dad'll save us".
Well its been a while since the last story, but I have been flat out all year. Anyway, The boys being the loonies they were very often used to barge past any unsuspecting poor sod as they came through the back or front door, flattening them up against the wall or bowling them over in their wake, and would wreak havock in the outside world chasing anything that moved or shook in the wind, running up the duel carriageway in and out of the traffic, horns blowing and much fowl language being thrown at me, nearly hot on their heels. did I make em run amok-no. did I cause em to crash-no. I was just chasing them, the ba***rds. bull breeds, dangerous? ha! these two were dangerous, and do you know what, they didnt care, never showed no remorse for what theyd done, not ever. One night at about half eleven, I had just fed the boys and all was quiet. the old git, whos a creature of habbit, had always stood just outside the front door before going to bed. one night, he had the ordacity to do just this when all hell was let loose. The boys, who could get a run up from the back door to the front door, took a wiff of the fresh air and made their bid for freedom, Toby digging his claws into old gits bare feet and causing sufficient pain for both of them to get away. They steamed off into the darkness, and I hate the dark, so I gingerly walked up the street to see if I could find them. I could hear bin bags rattling and cats hissing-the usual when them two were out. I knew I was getting closer because the noises were getting louder, then all of a sudden there was a loud scream and a bark, and the boys came running out of this back garden and went running home of their own accord. what next then? I realised I was out in the dark so I ran home as well. About 5 minutes after I got home there was a knock on the door, and all the barking and malay followed. It was well late by then, and I shut the boys in the kitchen. I thought the OG had gone to bed, and I opened the door, And there stood this tiny little man, and he said "have you got two black dogs", and I said, with all the innocence I could muster "yeah, why? he said "can you get em please?". So I asked "why?". He produced this massive stick from behind his back and said "because Im now gonna kill em". "sh*t, what a nutter", Im thinking then, from what seems like nowhere, out jumped the OG partly clothed and well pissed off. he never said a word, he just lunged forword and the stick man jumped backward over the small fence landing on the other side in a heap, muttering something about his mrs. leaving the cat food outside and the two dogs came and knocked it out of her hand. with that he pleaded with the Og not to kill him, and scrabbled to his feet and ran home. Before we got indoors the boys, to whom doors were no mystery, had ecaped from the kitchen and chased the stick man up the rd. the Og went after them this time, and as I went into the bathroom to shut the window, I heard this loud crash and I can remember thinking "oh no, what the hell is going on now? All of them are out marauding now". Then I heard (and probably the whole world) the Og say "what are doing you c**t, you touch my F*cking dog i'll put that up your f*cking snout you c*nt!". Then I heard another voice say "what about my green house?". The OG said "f**ck your green house, leave my dog alone, and he better not be hurt or i'll be back you c*nt". Oh my god, by now it must have been 1 am and the nutters are on the streets and so were my dogs and my old man. I ran up the road to see if I could calm things down. The boys ran past me the, Og came to meet me and related the tale of how Tom ran up the road chasing a cat. The cat goes up the wall, Tom goes up the wall, the cat stops, Tom stops, then realises he's 10 feet off the ground, and falls straight through the roof of a green house, and as he went crashing to the floor, the shelves, complete with plants, flew up into the air. A total write off. "He's a bit upset, that man with the green house" I said. The old git said "yeah, but he wanted to hit my dog and Im not having that".Tom didnt get off scot free that time-he had opened up a muscle on his back leg, but after a visit to the vets he was soon back on form. Og say: "love me, love my dog, even if he is the biggest Ba**ard god ever put four legs on". Toby says: "dont worry, dad'll save us".
- theoldgit
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Re: The life and times of Tom and Toby
AH....I remember it well...........................happy days lol
God put dogs on this earth in the hope that man might learn from them courage and loyalty!
- Noreen
- Posts:84
- Joined:May 10th, 2010, 5:46 pm
Re: The life and times of Tom and Toby
what a good story Tina thanks for posting .

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- Red Barron
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Re: The life and times of Tom and Toby
What little devils mate. A great read and you guys had allot of patience 
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- theoldgit
- Professional nice guy!
- Posts:565
- Joined:January 22nd, 2010, 9:47 pm
Re: The life and times of Tom and Toby
Red Barron wrote:What little devils mate. A great read and you guys had allot of patience
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you had to love em kerry,they were a great pair

God put dogs on this earth in the hope that man might learn from them courage and loyalty!