[quote author=nyankee board=mv thread=3678 post=39155 time=1306844524]
Always have a helping lead on the end of the harness,and a lead on the collar as well.The lead on the collar just should be there to not to let the dog sniff or turn etc,and it should be always loose not tight.The end lead should help the dog to NEVER stop!It should be always tight,so when you feel he's slowing down,you can pull it a help the dog a little.When you let your dog stop on it's own,instead of helping him through the hard parts,he will give up in competition as well.
Also never take more then one dog each time.
With you stopping for one dog,the other has to stop too.In the video it can be seen the little dog on your other side not learning anything when you dragging her with the big fella.You should be concentrating on each dog.

This is what she said u no who am talking about she has that lil dog milo about 40lbs and pulls about 6million lbs lol
Am sure there was a tread on drag pulling and she gave loads of good tips
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