Using player taunts (Sandbox)

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Using player taunts (Sandbox)

Post by Bullseye » September 12th, 2016, 1:44 pm

A few people on the server have asked me how I get my player to do a little dance, well here is how to do it...

You need to bind it to a key, you can do this by opening the developer console and typing:

Code: Select all

bind <key> "act <taunt>"
So for example I wanted to bind L to do the waving animation I would type:

Code: Select all

bind L "act wave"
Here is a list of taunts you can use without addons:

Code: Select all

act cheer

Code: Select all

act laugh

Code: Select all

act muscle

Code: Select all

act zombie

Code: Select all

act robot

Code: Select all

act dance

Code: Select all

act agree

Code: Select all

act becon

Code: Select all

act disagree

Code: Select all

act salute

Code: Select all

act wave

Code: Select all

act forward
Have fun & as always let me know I you get stuck with anything :)
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