by theoldgit » January 14th, 2018, 9:33 pm
Well here we are again,your favourite silver surfer is here bashing the keyes once more to keep you up to date with the comps at AREA 51,first one today here in sunny norfolk (he said with tongue in cheek) the day was dull and overcast with a biting wind and the going was heavy for both dogs and handlers alike,having said that despite a somewhat depleted turnout the competition was still brisk,this was the first of the spring and summer series,and early leaders are emerging and hoping to take the honours at the final before a cheeky break before the autumn and winter series kicks off............well done to all concerned today ,and rememember you have to be in it to win it,its free entry and we throw in a cuppa lol hope to see you all next time.....for now stay safe and be happy regards the old git aka big john
God put dogs on this earth in the hope that man might learn from them courage and loyalty!