Most weight pulled:
1st: Jill pulling 1602lbs

2nd: Bullit pulling 1008lbs
3rd: Mazie 810lbs
Most times bodyweight:
1st: Jill 23.55 x bw

2nd: Bullit 17.37 x bw
3rd: Mazie 15.28 x bw
Total points accumulated so far:
Jill: 126 points

Kai: 96 points
Misty: 66 points
Bullit: 64 points
Rueben 54: points
Champ: 54 points
Smaug: 46 points
Mazie: 44 points
Nuka: 4 points
Rosa: 2 points
Myah: 2 points
Rhoda: 2 points
Jill is now in the lead!!!!!
Photos & report to follow!
See you all next time!