- theoldgit
- Professional nice guy!
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- Joined:January 22nd, 2010, 9:47 pm
hello members,not made any contributions here for a while,but rest assured im still alive and kicking.Just been thinking about things in general and looking back over my seventy years on this earth,what i see is a lot of people that miss the point of dogs,they are not just ornaments or status symbols they are a proud and dignified creature that deserves more than many of them get of late,they need to work and have purpose just as we do,my grandfather was a dogman my father myself and my sons,some say its not nice to make dogs work,i say they should be allowed to work,our golden rule is never ask of your dog something you would not do yourself this attitude is the key to successs in the odd world of dogs..............just my thoughts as an old man that has never known one minute on this earth without dogs my first was rosie born the same day as me 21/10/46 her dam was search and rescue during ww2,I couldnt function without the loyalty of at least one by my side.Some may read this and think silly old man but take on board I couldnt give a rats arse,hope this enlghtens some and infuriates others,this my friends is what makes the world go round..............enjoy your lives and your dogs .........yours in sport theoldgit (big john)
God put dogs on this earth in the hope that man might learn from them courage and loyalty!
- Bullseye
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Re: reflecting
Bloody hell dad someone rattled your cage lol,I just read that and thought yeah on the money,I remember growing up and seeing your injuries pain and tears but you always came back for more a role model of epic proportions as an engineer race driver and a Dad to me my brother and sister,like Rodney always says a cruel man but fair lol every one that worked for you or with you has respect for an old boy(even when you were young lol) that always helped the under dog you Dad 

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- Ozzy Flynn
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Re: reflecting
So true big John xx the dog world is so upside down now! People get fluffy puppies then say oooo he's chewing this or oooo he has so much energy it's like well u do have a dog not a teddy bear, put it to work if sports with it, training etc... Then they go ooo the dogs doing so much better now... They love to be doing something X
U get out of your dog what u put in!! Xxxx
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U get out of your dog what u put in!! Xxxx
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- theoldgit
- Professional nice guy!
- Posts:565
- Joined:January 22nd, 2010, 9:47 pm
Re: reflecting
you know,i realise that the attitudes of generations of humans changes over the years,but the needs and attitude of dogs remain the same as they were hundreds of years ago,their needs are simple really,just somewhere sheltered to sleep (most of the day)things to do right now with no concept of the future,you can work and create a relationship with all animals but they will always be animals,there are too many double standards in dog circles,for instance tail docking and ear cropping is bad yet to spay and neuter is good,those that dress dogs in odd costumes and video them trying to walk in shoes,will in the next breath condem a circus act with an animal........if these people well meaning as they may be were to step back and look at themselves and ask the question "am i any different or indeed any better than those i condem"well i leave these thoughts with you all my opinions are my own you must make your minds up to which is right,but remember this a dog (all animals)are motivated by three things in life "if you cant feed off it,you cant fxxk it or fight it what is the point in it,you cant as the old saying goes "make a silk purse from a sows ear"and you will never make a human from a dog,just be content with a brave and loyal companion it works for me and my dogs...................these are my opinions only and are open to debate,my dogs their ages, condition and abilities are the basis of my debate feel free to comment.yours in sport big john
God put dogs on this earth in the hope that man might learn from them courage and loyalty!