Q: I have registered but it won't "let me" post anywhere other than the introduction section, what is the cause?
A: This is because you haven't yet posted an introduction, it is basic etiquette to introduce yourself when joining a community, didn't you learn manners as a child?

Q: I can't send private messages, why is this?
A: Again this is a privilage of verified users, to get verified you will have to post an introduction.
Q: How do you post pictures?
A: This guide may be useful >>Go look<<
Q: I've seen youtube videos posted on here, how is that done?
A: Again another useful guide >>Go look<<
Q: I have forgot my password, how would I go about resetting it?
A: Well you should have picked an easy to remember password..

Q: Ok I have forgot my email address, username & password, what now?
A: Well there are two ways to resolve this, you can either fill out this form by >>Clicking Here<< or you can call or text 07944630964 +447944630964 (Outside of the UK) & I'll try my best to help you get back on here

Q: I'm here because I want to look at the dog wear, collars ect, where can I see photos?
A: You will find infomation & photos of collars, leads & harnesses by clicking here.
Q: I am interested in the training & competition days for weight pulling, where would I get more info?
A: Announcements are posted one week prior to a training or competition day, we have 1 training day & 1 competition day every month, check in regularly to keep up to date, also there is a fixtures list here