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Re: durham animal feed

Posted: March 28th, 2013, 9:34 am
by mickey
I have heard that about porky pigs to but how can pork be worse then any other meat they can eat every meat so what in pork that dogs don't get on with ?

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Re: durham animal feed

Posted: March 28th, 2013, 5:34 pm
by Bullrover
mickey wrote:Cheers mate have u read about the pray drive module deit I think mayhem told me they claim all you need is 80/10/10 with no veg at all

Do u add any supplement to the raw
I have read a bit about the prey drive model and it does seem to make sense to me. I have read different theories about fruit and veg in dogs diets based on different studies of wolves diets - some wolves ate fruit and some didn't. The conclusion I came to was fruit and veg may or may not be beneficial to a dogs diet but probably wont do any harm. Previously I fed natural instinct Working Dog which has some fruit and veg but it was too expensive so I have switched over to DAF and I will be adding an ice cube sized portion of liquidised fruit veg to each meal but I have not bothered yet.

Re: durham animal feed

Posted: March 28th, 2013, 6:03 pm
by mickey
Cheers mate I no people that say fruit abd veg once a week others not at all I feed mine apple and banana wen my daughter leaves it and veg left over from meals but not a set amount but I don't think they need it but better then chucking it away

Ice cube trays is what I would do if I didn't have the waste stuff but like she'll said tripe should have it in any way
Just order there chicken mince and there lamb mince also some trotters and cows legs lol keep that freezer toped up
I need to get out with my rifle get some bunnies to

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Re: durham animal feed

Posted: March 28th, 2013, 6:05 pm
by mickey
I ment I have just ordered that

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Re: durham animal feed

Posted: March 28th, 2013, 6:49 pm
by bruser
i add peas carrots spinnich apple bannana and berrys in the summer also apple cider viniger for coat